Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why Unemployement is high among Malaysian Graduates?

Research studies have shown that are several factors that are affecting our local students from getting job. One of the factors are the students themselves are incompetence in skills, poor in their academic achievements, courses taken are less demanding besides having poor attitudes.

Students who graduated from local universities possess poor academic achievement and quality. Some of them graduated with CGPA of 2.50 and below. Therefore they have to compete with other students who have higher qualifications and posses other special skills as well. Their low pointers reflected on their poor academic achievement and therefore employers are quite skeptical to accept these students as part of their workforce.

These students also demanded high salary. With high salary demand yet no experience of working, employer find it hard to employ them because they will have to spend their time to train the new employee while there are many other experienced but retrenched workers are waiting in line to apply for the job.

These students also do not have any hands on experience on any other skills. They find themselves only limited to what they learned in school and university, not active in school society or clubs and sports therefore they are at a disadvantage when come job application when they have nothing to put into their resume. Employers especially in the government’s sector usually give high priority to those students who are active in school and at university level. Private sector would usually wants students who possesses other skills that can be applied to the company benefit to complement with their degrees.

Yet the most simple and many are taking it for granted during their school days are their English empowerment where they are lack of soft-skills or better known as communication skills. Added to their unable to use proper English, they are also unable to communicate fluently. Lacking of interpersonal skills is a big disadvantage to these students since in business world, communication skills are essential and business that heavily depended on communication skills.

Another factors that contribute towards unemployment are courses taken by the students, or offered by the university are irrelevant to the job market and less demanding. Some of the courses are Human Resources, Art of Performance, Hotel, Agriculture and many others. The jobs may be available but then the students may be very choosy and possess poor attitude towards working and poor discipline.

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