Monday, July 23, 2007

Drug Abuse - Problem that Wreck Millions of Hearts

I was flipping through the newspaper one day when my eyes caught on one of the title, "Malaysia is a home to 1.2 million drug addicts." More than a million of souls, probably are productive citizens, are wasted to drugs and causing millions of grievances to others as they are going through the ordeals of living with this addicts. What is drug abuse? Drug abuse as defined is the act of using substances that are usually addictive, excessively that cause dependency on narcotics. In this essay, I would like to highlight what is the impact of a drug abuse to an individual, to the family and the society.

Firstly, the effects of drug abuse on an individual. The physical effect of drugs on an individuals varies according to the type of drugs used. Some common or general symptoms are drastic weight loss, loss of appetite, inability to focus and show slow reflect movement. Despite the terrible effect that they face, these addicts continue to consume or use drugs in a larger dose over time as their body started to develop tolerance over drugs and suffer from withdrawal symptoms once they stop. The drugs will also leave psychological effects on the abuser. Some of the symptoms are the state of thinking will be permanently altered by changing the way the nerve cells communicate. The effects on the character of an addict, they will feel anxious and paranoid and will keep on trying by all means to get the money to support their addiction such as through prostitution, burglary and even killing someone.

Secondly, the effects of a drug abuse on the family members. The effects on the spouse are usually devastating. Either the husband or wife will usually sustain physically and emotionally or mentally. Physically, he or she might suffer physical abuse and deprivation of basic necessities or even abandoned without any financial support. Emotionally, there will be tension in their relationship, causing depression, anger, humiliation and hatred leading to seperation. Children will suffer the most when come to seperation and divorce. Children of the drug addicts are often neglected by their addictive parents and causing disruptive and abusive behaviour. Their well beings may also be impeded due to physical and emotional abuse that they received. These addicts will also severe their relationship between their parents, siblings, relatives, friends by ignoring all the advice, counsels and lectures or even tortures as to change their bad habit.

Thirdly, the effects of drug abuse on society. The abuse on drugs itself corrupts the mind and value of an individual. These addicts are lack of self control and with poor judgement. They are of course a waste to the society. If they are not cured in fact the numbers are rising, more crimes will occur as these addicts are highly associated with crimes. They will also cause chains of social problem and countless other miseries associated wilth drugs. with the growing n umbver of crimes, the country economic growth will be impeded and therefore hinder the progress made by the government.

The effect on drug abuse is vast and devastating to the society. These effects can be felt by everyone especially to those who are living within the proximity of the addicts. Drug abuse causes thousands of miseries in the lives of these innocent people. With all the sufferings caused, in the end it pays by wrecking the hearts of millions of others.

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