Saturday, May 26, 2007

Aptitude vs Attitude

This is a travel journal written by my lecturer which he later shared with us on the last class before the end of the semester. I think it is beautifully written, a dose of medicine to those who needed an answer or reason to look forward for a better day and excel in life someday.

A positive mental attitude leads to achievement. Success in any field of end endeavour is deep rooted in attitudes, not in aptitude.

Altogether too much academic emphasis has been placed upon aptitude in recent years. It isn’t aptitude that counts nearly so much as attitude. Aptitude is nothing in comparison with attitude. Attitude is everything.

It is a strange fact that we are often misguided by our thinking yet we know we can control our thoughts. By thought control, we can set our own course. And steer our lives to ports of plenty and harbours of happiness.

Decide now that you want no part of the negative side of the street. If moods of depression or thoughts of fear and worry creep into your mental thinking, vanish them at once by the antidoting process.

Replace them with their opposite such as love thought to replace the hate thought, the friendly thought to replace the enemy thought, the abundance thought to take the place of poverty thoughts and so on.

In school we made the best grades in subjects that appeals to our likings. If we enjoy doing a certain job, it becomes a labour of love. If we disliked doing the same job, it would be drudgery. We should treat everything that crosses the path of our journey through life as a stepping stone towards the achievement of our ambitions and goal.

Since we tend to become what we think about, it is logical that we should fill our minds with positive thoughts of happiness, cheerfulness, optimism and good health. We should never-never permit the success killing thoughts or fear, worry, pessimism and sorrow to dwell in the mind.

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